Why do black boxes print instead of text?

For instance, suppose you have this text label positioned on the left edge of the FAP file (left offset = 0):


When printed, black boxes appear instead of the text. The black boxes occur because some of the characters in the italic font (Times New Roman) have a negative left offset. This means that the characters print to the left of where they would normally start. A negative left offset may be easier to understand by looking at these characters:


Notice the bottom of the f goes under the e. This is an example of a negative left offset. Because it is positioned to the left of where it would normally start, the character is now positioned off the left edge of the overlay.

This kind of detailed character information is not stored in the FXR file so Studio has no way to know there may be a problem. You can, however, move the text labels in the FAP file to correct the problem.